Fitness Yoga Neurological Development | Beckenham, Kent

Hi! My name is Emma.

FYND was founded by Emma Lewis in 2016.

The Vision; to combine specialist physiotherapy skills with yoga principles to deliver a holistic, innovative and inclusive rehabilitation approach; fostering confidence with self-management and ownership of longer-term health and well being outcomes.

The Ambition; to share passion and knowledge of the human body and movement, holding a space for people to learn, explore and develop themselves. To encourage people to notice, accept and celebrate themselves and others.

The Belief; ‘ No Judgment . No Boundaries. No Limits.’

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Emma graduated from The University of Birmingham with a first class honors Bsc in Physiotherapy. As a student and junior Physiotherapist she was inspired by senior colleagues and quickly developed a passion for neurological rehabilitation. Emma has worked with a wide range of neurological conditions across acute, outpatient and community setting in both the NHS and private practice.

Emma is an avid learner and teacher with specific interest in concepts, training approaches, low or high tech adjuncts that facilitate movement exploration. As an all round movement lover and action junkie Emma was initially drawn to Yoga to ‘stretch’ her overused and unloved muscles. After a few classes she realized Yoga was more than just creating shapes with her body … something far more. With this curiosity she embarked on a 200-hour, Vinyasa Flow based, teacher training with Yoga London and further pregnancy yoga training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. Emma is a champion of truly accessible Yoga practice.

Emma enjoys working with people of differing ages, abilities and cultures and takes great inspiration from the strength, courage and determination of individuals, even in times of extreme adversity.

Book a now with Emma